Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Introducing Pizza Month

Being pregnant as I am, I was struggling with keeping up with a menu or even writing a menu to begin with so I came up with the novel idea to have "Pizza Month".  Thankfully it fits right in with March Madness and we commenced.
When I put forth the idea it was already Monday and wouldn't you know it, we had already had pizza on Saturday the first and had eaten the left overs on Sunday for lunch as we usually do.  It was getting close to dinner time and I had leftovers of sweet and sour chicken in the fridge and decided it was a perfect fit.

I made my usual crust and chopped up the leftovers and threw it in the oven.

It turned out good and used up the leftovers that I had no plans of eating.

Crust: Regular 2/3 recipe (half wheat)
Sauce: Ragu and sweet and sour sauce from leftovers
Toppings: breaded chicken, bell peppers, pineapple, and green onion
Cheese: Full Mozzarella 

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